Endless Mountain Coonhunters
Springville, PA
Welcome Coonhunters
President - Dave Corbin
Vice President - Skip Strawn
Treasurer - Chris Faux
Secretary - Claire Abbot
Board Members
Ann Patterson
Jerry Croasdale
Art Parsons
Webmaster-Chris Faux
Social Media-Chris Faux

Fees & Dues
Membership Dues
$5.00 per year
Meeting are held the second Sunday of each Month, 4:00PM, at the Clubhouse. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!!
Hunt Fees
$12.00 per Event
WR, FT, BS, & NH
Poorboy Hunt
$10.00 per Event
Mission Statement
We are a group of all ages and genders that come together to keep this hunting tradition alive, to pass down to future generations. It's meeting new people, making new hunting buddies.
Clare Abbott-Secretary, Skip Strawn-President,
Bob Brown-Vice President, Dave Stein-Treasurer
Board of Directors
Jerry Croasdale, Ann Patterson, & Art Parsons
Check back soon for current officer pictures

Club Members
Clare Abbott Art Parsons
Chris Faux Bob Brown
Jerry Croasdale Ann Patterson
Skip Strawn Pam Spencer
Taylor Jenkins Jim Spencer
Charlie Thom Johnson
Carol Johnson Perry Clark
Dylan Clark Dave Stein
Dave Corbin Bill Frasier
More Names to be Added.........